Friday 3 April 2015

Saturday 14 March 2015

Writer's block

Just a short post this time.

Do you ever get writers block when trying to think of a story?

Well I can help :D

Just comment below:
1. The number of protagonists and the ratio of boys to girls
2. The setting (country, city, population, senses ect...)
3. The enemy
4. The genre (of course)
5. Anything else.

With this information I'll form a plot for you to use in your story :)

That's all from me,
Godly :D

Tuesday 10 March 2015


Do you ever just stand there looking confuzzled at a book store? So many books yet so little options. We all have our separate tastes and sometimes, you want something new. Today in my post I'm going to go through a few books that I recommend for you :D

Book one: Unwind
Unwind was an amazing trilogy to read that deserves a lot more recognition. Neal Shusterman takes the reader on a tense journy of unexpected twists and turns as you grow close to three run aways from a society based in the future. What I simply love about this book is the uniqueness of the idea of parents sending their children away to be taken apart. If you want a story which is a little out of the ordinary have a read of this series.

Book two: Slated 
This book by Teri Terry is just an impact of a whirlwind of feels as you enter into a society where young criminals have their memory wiped so they can have a fresh start. However, one particular girl seemed to keep some memory from the past... If you like fast paced, adventure and romance-this is the trilogy for you.

Book three: Enemy
Alright, now for the gory stuff. Enemy by Charlie Higson was one of my most favourite series in this genre - decay, horror, action, zombies... Enemy has it all. As you follow the story of the kids that struggle to survive in a world packed to the brim with mind-gnawed adults, you are left clinging to the book as you never know who is going to die next... This is for all those of you that like the gory, horrific stuff.

Some other honourable mentions: Divergent by Veronica Roth, Gone by Michael Grant, Starters by Lissa Price and The Maze Runner by James Dashner.

Well that's all from me folks, see you soon!

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Well, hello there person reading my first ever post on here. The names godly. From countless internet experiences I have learnt that I have quite the peculiar username... I have no clue how my strange brain created it, but its what has stuck with me :p

Moving on; I'm probably one of the most random people in the world - anything can remind me of something completely unrelated, and when that happens I have some strange tendency to blurt it out to the person next to me. With this I usually get very confused looks and the occasional person that edges away from me.  So sometimes you may see the odd post about  watermelon or something :D

Hmmm... what else... I'm a gamer! I love gaming on my xbox and computer (e.g. Five nights at freddy's or alien isolation) I'm also planning on making a game one day... Whoopee! As you can probably tell by my game choices, my favourite genre is horror. I write horror, watch horror, read horror... haha. One of my favourite types of horror is creepypasta. If you don't know what that is: look it up immediately! My favourite horror story that I have written is Dr carnival. (Go check it out)

Well that's all I'm gonna say for this post folks. I hope you join my as I embark on the awkward journey of blogging!

Hope to see you soon,
Godly :D